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Catch the Heat!

5:29 PM

The weather is SO nice today!
Seriously, I'm hating on everybody who has a day off!
I wish I could go outside and rest my perfectly manicured
hands and enjoy a mango/strawberry smoothie!

Well, there isn't much to do today,
we had a photographer who wanted
models for a TFP shoot.

And ya'll know how fast I am.
I went as fast as I could, and got a
few models who where interested in the

So now I'm sitting here...just painted my nails
"Bubble Gum Pink"
and reading trough the ELLE magazine.
And there is was...Beyonce's add for
her new perfume : HEAT.

The first thing that caught my eye
was that DRESS!!

Like, OMG!! That satin wrap dress is FAB!!

I think I could pull that look (without the
breast that is. I was blessed
with the "junk in the trunk")

I really love the over-Red feeling
on that picture!. It's like I'm
catching the HEAT only by
looking at the picture.

The photographer did a good job!
Really there is nothing that Beyonce can't do!
The girl is a walking "marketing project"

But enough with the marketing concept
(even though I know that allot
of woman out there will run to the stores as soon
as the fragrance hits this country...I know I would!)

The girl is covered by HEAT in every sense of the word!
From the red eye shadow to the nails
(B where's that minx colour we're
used to see on you? and where can I buy a

Just FAB!

Quote of the day: Someone tell me where I can
find that DRESS!!??!!

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